flurries of latent creativity

Introducing PiUi: add a simple mobile phone UI to your RaspberryPi project.


I’m excited to introduce you to a project I have been working on for a few weeks in my spare time: PiUi. A lot of folks asked how to use my RPi Timelapse Controller without the LCD Plate - which is kindof expensive and not everyone is comfortable to solder one up themselves.

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Raspberry Pi Website Hit Tracker


You just made a funky neon sign flash in my living room. How? I have just completed my latest project which is a neon lamp which lights up every time someone visits my website.

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Raspberry Pi Timelapse Controller


A few weeks ago, I found this beautiful video on Youtube – a timelapse video of stars and the Milky Way. Seeing the stars appear to rotate overhead (due to the rotation of the Earth) and the intricate structure of our own galaxy gave me a profound feeling of the scale of the universe that we move through on spaceship Earth.

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Raspberry Pi webcam; a gentle intro to crontab


Here's a quick and easy first project for new [Raspberry Pi](http://www.raspberrypi.org/) owners - turn your Pi into a webcam, and learn about Linux's ability to run repeated tasks at scheduled intervals with the `cron` utility.

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My bacon talk


The awesome folks over at devslovebacon have made my talk available on youtube. It's a pretty good quality recording, hope you enjoy it.

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Living in the future


Paul Graham’s latest essay - How to get startup ideas - is a great read. I was struck by the Bucheit/Pirsig conjecture: "Live in the future, then build what's missing." and the following paragraph regarding ideas that come out of folks' experience at college.

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Parsing huge XML files with go


I’ve recently been messing around with the XML dumps of Wikipedia. These are pretty huge XML files - for instance the most recent revision is 36G when uncompressed. That’s a lot of XML!

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Hands on with Raspberry Pi


I was extremely fortunate to get access to a Raspberry Pi alpha board for the past couple of weeks. For those of you who haven’t already heard about it, the Raspberry Pi project was started to provide a tiny computer for kids to learn to program.

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One nanosecond is to one second as one second is to 31.7 years


Peter Burns wrote a great post earlier last week about timescales as they might be “perceived” by a computer’s CPU… “your CPU lives by the nanosecond” [and humans live by the second].

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how I built a self driving RC car and you can too


Recently, I have been refreshing my knowledge of Machine Learning by taking Andrew Ng’s excellent Stanford Machine Learning course online. The lecture module on Neural Networks ends with an intriging motivating video of the ALVINN autonomous car driving itself along normal roads at CMU in the mid 90s.

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